Battery Information
Battery Details

Do not confuse with the LR60 which is the same size and voltage but is not rechargeable.
Do not confuse with the ML621 which is the same size but twice the voltage.
Do not confuse with the NBL621 which is the same size but 2 volts and rechargeable.

These rechargeable batteries were developed for solar powered watches. Some have wire "flags" spot welded to them for the connection (see image at bottom) others are as a standard button battery.
Developed to replace the GoldCap GC621 capacitor in many solar powered watches.

The battery is the same for all versions, differing numbers relate to "flag" type.


295-33, 295-37, 295-45, 295-51, 295-55, 295-60, 295-63, 295-3300, 295-5500, 295-6300, 295-3700, MT621, MT621A, MT621C, S11, TS621,

not to scale.

Diameter × Thickness.
Chemical Composition. Nominal Voltage.
battery MT621. 6.8 mm × 2.1 mm


Case and flat base Positive.
Raised area Negative
(may have flag terminal added for application)

Manganese Titanium Lithium Rechargeable. 1.5 volts
(2.5 mAh).

various wire 'flags' are added for different fitments

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